Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is a friend? defines a friend as "a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard."  Often, we differentiate between friends and acquaintances, and sometimes rightly so.  We usually think of our friends as those who we are close to...those we have things in common with....those we spend time with.

I am blessed to have lots of people who I consider to be my friends.  I know that there are innumerable people I could call at any moment to help me in any way possible.  I have friends from high school, friends from college, and friends from work and church.  I have friends I have met through other places.  God has truly blessed me.

One thing I have learned in the last month or so, though, is that you don't have to have "met" someone to consider them friends.  I used to be a part of the Swapmamas site.  There I met one of the sweetest people, and we just clicked.  We now keep in touch via text and Facebook, even though we've never met.  I also have lots of friends through Etsy.  I had a rough month or so, and I was MIA from most of the events there...I couldn't tell you how many people sent me messages and emailed just to make sure I was ok.  I have Etsy friends on Facebook, through email, and through the site, and so many of them just wanted to check on me.  I won't try to name names, but you know who you are, and I appreciate you!  I have some pretty amazing friends, even if I've never met them and may not even know their real names!  :-)

This week, I was finally able to get back in gear and try to do some catching up on Etsy.  (Yep, check out my shop for new listings!!)  I got the sweetest, warmest welcome!  It was nice to see that so many were genuinely concerned and cared!

So, that's why I decided to blog about my friends...because God has blessed me with SO many of them from all different walks of life, and I wanted each and every one to know how much I love and appreciate them!


  1. God bless you, dear! It's wonderful to have friends who really care. :D

  2. Awww that's sweet Elemenopie, I'm glad you are a part of our group!

  3. Lovely post! Friends are one of the main things that make the world go 'round!!!

  4. Thanks for this wonderful post about friends! It was a joy to read :)

  5. uniquecozytreasures - Nicely written. We all could benefit by reflecting on "friends". We have amazing etsy friends.

  6. It's so wonderful to have friends of all types! This was a lovely post. Where would we be without our friends?

  7. This is so cute! Great post about friendship. They keep us sane don't they? (Sometimes at least. lol)

  8. Great post. It is nice to know that people care about you.

  9. Lovely post and yes, I have found a number of great friends through Etsy too.

  10. This is a very nice, heartfelt post! Thanks!
    Carol from Carol'sJewelryOrchard

  11. What a sweet and loving tribute to your friends. But ya know, you wouldn't have that many if you weren't special yourself.

  12. you said it so well! thanks for the nice thoughts

  13. I'd have gone mad by now if it weren't for my close friends! Sweet post.:)

  14. What a great blog post - so very true.

  15. Such a beautiful post. Friends truly are a blessing.

  16. It´s great meet lot of people really beautiful here!!!
