Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Elemenopie Designs --- the name --- (oh, and a special announcement!)

I have really revamped myself on Etsy, putting lots more time and energy into really becoming a part of the Etsy community and getting to know people.  I have met so many amazingly talented people.  I constantly have to remind myself that I am there to sell MY stuff because I just want to buy, buy, buy!!!

Over the last couple of weeks, I keep hearing the same thing over and over...."I love your shop name!!" or "You have the cutest shop name ever!"  First of all, thank you!  I personally love it.....sure, I like it because it's cute, but I LOVE it because of what it represents to me.  So, I decided to share how I came up with that name.

2 years ago, I decided to create a business to sell my creations. It started with handpainted wall art and gradually shifted to include bow holders and hairbows.  And if my girls have anything to do with it, we're going to be adding crocheted items before long!  :)

Anyways, speaking of my girls, I was telling you about my shop name.  When I decided to set up a shop, it had to have a name....and I wanted something catchy and fitting, but I also wanted something that was meaningful.  Because my 2 girls are the inspiration for lots of what I do, I wanted to include them in the name.  Their names are Ellie and Emmalynn (and mine's Nikki), so I started just playing around with stuff.  I was sitting at my desk at work, talking out loud to myself....and I said, "L....M.....N...." and then it just kinda came out..."L  M  N  O  P".......and being the word nerd that I am, it finally became "Elemenopie".

The inspiration behind my creation

My youngest, Ellie, tells me all the time that I spelled it wrong.  She says it looks like "L M N O pie" but I like it just the way it is!


Now for my exciting announcement:  I was asked to stock a section of a local boutique gift shop with my bows!!!  VLM Designs is opening shop locally, and they have asked me to handle all of their hairbow needs!!  I am VERY excited about this opportunity and look forward to working with these fabulous ladies!  I'll provide info later for locals about this....for now, I have a month to get some inventory made up for them!


  1. I think your name is great! I'm sure your daughter would say I was reading it wrong too....but I read it LMNOP too! Pie never occured to me.

    Congrats on your partnership with the local shop.

  2. LOVE the name, as everyone does! That's great how you came up with it. It's easy to remember too!

  3. What a wonderful post. I enjoyed reading about why your shop name is so special to you. I can't wait to get back home and meet all you wonderful newer people on the Frenzy Team. GOOD LUCK!

    PS: Following you now!
    Find us here:

  4. CONGRATS!!! Getting into a shop is a HUGE step, I bet you are so proud! BTW...i do LOVE the name of your shop too. So unique and catchy! Following your blog...

  5. I love your shop name! And how creative! :D

    CONGRATULATIONS!! How awesome is THAT?!??!

  6. I'm a word nerd too! And I love your name! Very creative!
    Carol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard

  7. I love the name and it is more awesome because of what it represents! Congrats on new opportunity!

  8. haha love the story about your name! my dad called me teener and my sister tooner and that's why I have my name :)

    CONGRATS on the shop opportunity! I wish you much success!

  9. I love name came from the 2 biggest passions in my life ....being a grandma and sewing!

  10. Cute story!! and I love your shop name also!

  11. I love it! What a cute name. I knew what it was when I read it- I read "LMNOP" rather than "LMNO pie." :-) Your daughters are cute!

  12. Wow, congrats on selling locally! Your shop name IS adorable :)

  13. Congratulations on the opportunity! I love the story behind your name.

  14. Major congrats on selling at the boutique!

    I'm also a fan of the name you chose. It helps that my son is OBSESSED with the alphabet. :)

  15. congrats and def. love your shop name super cute. now i get it!!! hahaha a little slow on my part, but i can see the L M N O P in the name!!! hahaha awesome!

  16. Your girls are really beautiful!!!!
    Congrats in you new business!!!

  17. Cute name! All the best with your business!

  18. I love your shop name and your girls are terribly cute!
    WOOHOO on the bows!! Hope you get tons of sales :)

  19. Ok, I love how you came up with your name. It is TOO cute! And congrats on the boutique spot!

  20. Your girls are adorable. I love your blog design.

  21. How exciting! Such a sweet picture of your girls and I do love your name too :)
